Hi there, I am an aspiring web developer with knowledge in CSS3, HTML5, Javascript, Vue.js, SQL & Python languages. Former Banker with Dynamic customer service and marketing experience. Highly professional, committed, responsible and able to perform the duties with minimal supervision. This is my first portfolio website which I built by applying what I learnt when pursuing Professional Certificate in Web Development course under Veritas University College on Bootstrap, HTML, PHP & CSS programmimg. Recently, due to Covid-19 pandemic crisis, I have been made redundant along with hundred of my other colleagues apart of right-sizing exercise by my previous company.
Nevertheless, life must goes on and I am positive that everything happens for a reason. From that point, I decided to take a leap of faith to try to learn something that unrelated to my career but within my heart, I was wanting to do this very long which is web developement course. Thanks to PERKESO, who offered thousands of reskilling & upskilling programmes for those who had to go through similar situation as me, and I chose to specialize in web development. By this course, I get to know how the websites are built, the basic of coding using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Apart from this, I have exposure in both Python and SQL for Data Science and Relational Databases respectively. I got to say that the joy of creating or building something such as website or software is priceless. I am starting to enjoy coding more everyday and still learning day by day.
The drastic transformation of from being a banker who have years of working experience and suddenly learning the new skills that I have been working on at the moment has opened my eyes that it is never too late to learn something.As some saying, the life is never ending learning process. I believe the quality and working ethics that I develop throughout my previous career would be useful in any industry that I am into as far as a full commitment is given. Thank you and have a good day!
Those are the projects and tasks that I have learn throughout the Programming course under Professional Certificate in Web Development. Kindly go through each of it in the links below;
Those are the Backend projects and tasks that I have learn throughout the Programming course under Professional Certificate in Web Development. Kindly go through each of it in the links below;
Those are the Mobile App projects and tasks that I have learn throughout the Programming course under Professional Certificate in Web Development. Kindly go through each of it in the links below;
Those are the Full-Stack projects and tasks that I have self-learn via self-practice with publicly available courses and bootcamps. Kindly go through each of it in the links below;
Those are the Javascript projects and tasks that I have learn throughout the Programming course under Professional Certificate in Web Development. Kindly go through each of it in the links below;